Category Archive: Sam Claflin

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Trailer

The wait is almost over. Soon it’ll be November and the much anticipated sequel to the Hunger Games series is upon our viewing pleasure! *cue evil laugh* Pardon the craziness. :p I’m just excited, you see. Anyway my favorite part in the teaser? Katniss’ wedding dress (lol) turning into a beautiful mockingjay dress (well done […]

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Snow White and the Hunstman

The first official trailer of Snow White and the Hunstman starring Kirsten Stewart (Snow White), Charlize Theron (Evil Queen), Chris Hemsworth (Hunstman) and Sam Claflin (Prince William). This is an interesting  take to a classic fairy tale I so dearly loved. Darker and bloodier! =) And by just watching the trailer, I can personally say, […]

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