Just because it’s  the last consecutive date whatever we’ll see in this lifetime and maybe this day has some sort of special energy that’ll grant any of our wishes if we wish hard enough. *wink wink*
Just because it’s  the last consecutive date whatever we’ll see in this lifetime and maybe this day has some sort of special energy that’ll grant any of our wishes if we wish hard enough. *wink wink*
Today let’s all count our blessings and be grateful! Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 🙂
Well to be honest, I’ve been quite lazy lately. Not just last week, even the weeks before last week. And this laziness is crippling my existence! Goodbye social life! Not that I actually have one. Truth is, my social life is non-existent! So yeah, whatever… Hahaha! So how did I spend my lazy days? Of […]
Because I’m too lazy to write a blog post, I’ll just do it in photos. 🙂 And they say a picture is worth a thousand words… That’s why I put together several photos just in case a thousand words isn’t enough. LOLWHUT?!!! Hahaha. Pardon my incoherent and nonsense babble. Just that, lazy me is really […]
Love, laughter and happiness to everyone! Cheers to 2012! Happy New Year! =)
I’m having so much fun with the new dictionary application I downloaded in my iPhone that I suddenly decided to make a post about it. And I’m thinking of doing it every now and then. Kinda like having a Word of the Day post only mine is not really on daily basis. I’ll probably do […]
Most of the time, I find myself scared of the unknown. I worry a lot. I overthink things. Sigh. Oh well, it’s a new month. So I guess, I’ll just hope for the better. So yeah please, dear August, be awesome, ‘kay?
This is just amazing. Props to whoever did this wonderful art. This makes me wonder what it’ll be like if the Harry Potter Series is really translated into anime. I bet it’ll be epic too! 🙂 Sigh… I believe I’m still experiencing the so-called  post potter depression syndrome. Not the chronic type though. Lol. Nevertheless, […]
And a major update that is ‘coz I have a new layout! So what do you think of my blog’s new look? Â Like it? Well I do! Hahaha. Of course I’m being biased with my work. Anyway, it took me three years to finally find the time to do a redesign. Not that I’ve been […]