Category Archive: The Vampire Diaries

The Vampire Diaries: Poor Stefan T_T

[start fangirl rant] I need a distraction! I still can’t get over to tonight’s season finale episode of The Vampire Diaries. I’ve always been a  Team Delena but I just can’t help feeling heartbroken for Stefan. I mean, why??? He already lost his epic love to his brother and now he’s become Silas’ shadow — meaning […]

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The Vampire Diaries Season 3 Quotes: Horrible Advices

Stefan: Given our dangerous dance karma, are you sure you’re up for this? Elena: Getting out of bed these days is dangerous. But we have to live our lives. Stefan: Who gave you that horrible advice? Elena: Some guy I used to date said it once or twice. ———————————————————– Stefan: After I bit you I never wanted to feel anything […]

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Be Still by The Fray

The Vampire Diaries always selects the perfect song.  This was Alaric’s farewell song and it was perfect. Definitely a  beautiful song by one of my favorite band, The Fray. Listen to the song below and read the lyrics after the jump.  

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Rest In Peace Alaric

I still can’t get over yesterday’s episode of  The Vampire Diaries.  I already prepared myself for Alaric’s inevitable demise as soon as I’ve read that Matt Davis got cast for another show. But still, watching the scene that confirmed it all last night was just heartbreaking. Mystic Falls’s History Teacher is dead. Alaric Saltzman is dead. […]

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The Vampire Diaries, Taken & Eclipse!

Part of my Black Friday haul! I did my shopping mostly online so I’m still waiting for my items to be shipped. Anyway, so yeah, I braved the crowd at Target on Black Friday to get these DVD’s. When I say crowd, I mean a really huge crowd! The line outside the store was really […]

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