First Day High
I was bored. I got nothing else to do so I’ve decided to just give myself my usual movie fix. And this time Star Cinema’s First Day High caught my attention. Well maybe because I like Maja Salvador. Anyhoo, the movie kicked of with a short narration which I think was nice. I bet you’re wondering too why AM Radio still transmits at night. Lol. If you didn’t get it then there’s probably something wrong with you. =P
At first, I thought I was liking the movie but when the whole cast started dancing and singing that just gave me enough reason to click the stop button at once. Why First Day High is so High School Musical! By just merely looking at the first scene of the movie you can already predict what the plot was – brainy girl meets sporty guy, they fall in love but they can’t be together because boy’s friends don’t approve their blossoming romantic relationship and same goes with the girl’s friends. Okay… ‘Nuff said. That movie was shown like over a year ago and its pretty much useless criticizing it now. Well, I guess I’ll just wait until the local version of High School Musical 2 comes out — if there’ll ever be one